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97/203/NP Electrical installation for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes – Mobile photometric in-field measurement of precision approach and runway light fixtures


This standard specifies the type performance tests for a device that measures the photometric performances of approach and runway light fixtures for a precision approach runway on an aerodrome.

This standard applies to the photometric measurement of runway, taxiway and approach lighting installations as far as practicable. Manufacturers provide the list of facilities their system can measure in compliance with the type performance tests.

It does not apply to chromaticity and alignment measurements, flashing light fixtures, PAPI’s, apron floodlighting, signs and the static workshop photometric measurement of light fixtures.


Aerodromes are required to maintain their facilities to ensure they do not impair safety, regularity or efficiency of air navigation.

They are required to achieve runway serviceability requirements specified for intensity.

International regulations state that for precision approaches and runways lighting systems, they should be measured using a mobile unit of sufficient accuracy to analyse the characteristics of individual lights.

The purpose of this document is to define what “sufficient accuracy” is and how it can be proven.

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