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PAS 7040 Digital manufacturing – Trustworthiness and precision of networked sensors - Guide

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This PAS gives guidance on the quality and security measures for measurements generated by network sensors and transmitted over a network, in a manufacturing production line, or associated servitization. It includes guidance on how to assure measurements and support the process of adoption within key industry stakeholders.

It covers:

  • precision of sensor measurements, in a production environment, for a standard set of metrics delivered in a secure network;
  • identification of sensor entities and associated measurements;
  • origin of the data transmitted and received in a production environment;
  • relationship with internet of things (IoT) catalogues;
  • security of internet communication between a sensor and dependent components within a protected firewall/secure network (barrier to cyber-attack);
  • methods for mitigating operational ambiguity and security threats to data, information, physical components, technical systems, and associated processes that might affect the people who use – directly or indirectly, work with, handle, or are nearby products that rely upon measurements from sensors;
  • measures to handle the normal operational tolerances of sensors, as well as to deter and/or disrupt hostile, malicious, fraudulent and criminal behaviours or activities that are directly associated with such measurements; and
  • technological aspects including safety, authenticity, availability (including reliability), confidentiality, integrity, possession, resilience and utility (including precision/accuracy);
  • accuracy and authenticity of calibration of sensors, over a secure internet/intranet.

It does not cover:

  1. independent validation of measurement assurance;
  2. sensing outside of a manufacturing sector (non-M2M, IIOT technologies).

The target audience for this PAS is organizations who design, build, sell and maintain networked sensors for digital manufacturing applications and who acquire, integrate and maintain them in operational deployments.

This PAS addresses the trustworthiness of sensors and their data, takin into account measurement and sensor fundamentals, the provenance of sensors and their data and the assessment of measurement uncertainty. It examines security issues that may impact on the trustworthiness of sensors and their use, including the transmission of data over a network. A risk management process for sensors is set out as well as the need for an organization to have a strategy for the use of and reliance on networked sensors. The issue of sensor trust and identity is examined, along with measures regarding the sharing of sensor data and the maintenance of its long-term usefulness.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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