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BS 7121-2-7:2012+A1:2015 Code of practice for the safe use of cranes - Inspection, maintenance and thorough examination - Overhead travelling cranes, including portal and semi-portal cranes, hoists, and their supporting structures


This part BS 7121-2-7 gives recommendations for the pre-use checks, in-service inspection, maintenance, thorough examination (in service and following exceptional circumstances) and supplementary testing of overhead travelling cranes, including portal and semi-portal cranes, hoists, and their supporting structures.

This sub-part of BS 7121-2 does not cover the testing and certification of overhead travelling cranes immediately following installation. This is covered by BS EN 15011.

For the purposes of this standard overhead travelling cranes, including portal and semi-portal cranes, and hoists are all included under the term “cranes”.

This sub-part of BS 7121-2 is not applicable to permanently installed cranes on marine and other water-borne vessels.

An amendment to BS 7121-2-7 is required because the testing requirements for Electric Overhead Travelling Cranes will be in conflict with the proposed revision of BS EN 15011:2011+A1:2014. To avoid any conflict, which might create uncertainty for stakeholders, it is proposed that BS 7121-2-7 be amended.


What is the standard intended to achieve?

The standard assists users to comply with their legal duties when inspecting, maintaining or examining cranes. It helps to improve safety and reduce the risk of serious injuries and fatalities both during the inspection and examination phases and when cranes are being used.

The amendment is required to avoid a British Standard conflicting with a revised version of an existing endorsed European Standard. The provisions cannot be partially withdrawn because the testing requirements are still needed and the standard cannot be fully withdrawn because there is no alternative to take its place. The intended change will bring UK practices into line with those in the rest of Europe.

Who are the intended users? (Please give job roles and industry sectors)

The intended users include:

those responsible for managing the maintenance, inspection and thorough examination of cranes;

Health and safety specialists;

HSE inspectors;

Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association; and Lifting Equipment Engineers Association.

Industry sectors include:

plant and equipment hire;

plant and equipment maintenance; and insurance.

Why will users adopt the standard?

This standard is actively used by all those maintaining, examining and inspecting cranes in the UK. It provides in depth guidance on complying with the requirements of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 and the Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and is used by both the Health and Safety Executive and the Courts as an indication of good practice. They will adopt the amended version to ensure that they are up-to-date with the most recent version of the standard and the working practices set out within.

Why might they not use it?

The standard is well used and there is no alternative. However, users who do not use British Standards at all, or who would prefer to wait for a full revision, might not use this amendment.

Comment on proposal

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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