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BS 30417 Provision of inclusive personal protective equipment (PPE) – Guide

PH/23 - Horizontal Topics for PPE
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This British Standard provides guidance for the provision of inclusive personal protective equipment (PPE) across various industries and sectors. It encompasses the selection, purchasing process, training and maintenance related to inclusive PPE. This British Standard aims to promote accessibility and inclusivity in PPE provision, focusing on the safety, health and wellbeing of all individuals.

This British Standard provides guidance for selecting inclusive PPE, taking into account factors such as user diversity, safety, risk, discomfort, ergonomic designs and compatibility. It provides guidelines for inspecting, maintaining and replacing inclusive PPE to achieve ongoing effectiveness and user safety.

This British Standard covers the importance of providing training for PPE users to achieve proper usage, fit and maintenance of inclusive PPE, with a focus on accommodating diversity. It outlines procedures for selecting PPE suppliers, developing specifications and evaluating suppliers based on inclusivity criteria. It focuses solely on guidance for the purchasing and provision of inclusive PPE to promote accessibility and safety in the workplace.

This British Standard is applicable to organizations and individuals involved in the purchasing, provision and use of inclusive PPE across all working environments. It addresses the needs of all users, promoting equitable access to safety equipment in the workplace.

This British Standard does not cover the performance requirements or manufacturing specifications of inclusive PPE.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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