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BS ISO 24108-1 ISO 24108-1 Grid Square Statistics and their Applications. Part 1: Fundamental Principle of Grid Square Statistics

MS/6 - Methodologies for business process improvement using statistical methods
Statistical methods. Application
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This document specifies a fundamental concept on grid square statistics and includes the followings scopes:

— To recommend the standard method to enable policy decisions based on common recognition from grid statistics produced with different grid coordinate standards in different countries and areas that may have different geographic coding systems with different geometric shapes.

— To standardize methods to accommodate the conversion calculation among grid statistics with different grid coordinate systems having different geometric shapes by employing prorating method based on the grid areas as well as the method to calculate the approximation errors, for exchanging the converted grid statistics.

NOTE Spatial expressions other than grid square also exist, but this document does not apply to the spatial expressions other than grid square.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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