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BS ISO 23705 Space systems — Identifying, evaluating, and avoiding collisions between orbiting objects

ACE/68 - Space systems and operations
Space systems and operations
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This document provides the workflow and technical requirements for perceiving, evaluating, and avoiding collisions among orbiting objects, data requirements for these tasks, identifies techniques that can be used to estimate the probability and/or consequence of collision, and provides guidance and requirements for executing collision avoidance maneuvers.The space flight safety-relevant topics of Space Traffic Coordination, on-orbit collision avoidance, and launch collision avoidance are closely related. To minimize duplication and maximize document consistency, the various content that serve as the basis for these three disciplines has been divided up as shown in Figure 2.Figure 2 — Division of space safety operations content spanning several ISO standards.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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