This document establishes the specifications for the execution of tension tests to be carried out on soil nails and rock bolts.
NOTE 1 Soils nails and rock bolts are referred as elements in the scope of this document.
NOTE 2 This document covers but is not limited to grouted soil nails and rock bolts.
NOTE 3 This document does not provide specification for the number of tests, the type of test, the Test Method, the value of the proof load and the limiting criteria. These aspects reside in EN 1997-3 or its national annex for CEN countries and in similar national application documents for ISO countries.
This document provides specifications for three types of tension tests: investigation tests, suitability tests and acceptance tests.Two methods of testing are recognised by this document. Test Method A involves step-loaded maintained load tension tests.
Test Method B involves constant displacement rate tension tests.
This document provides specifications for the experimental devices, the measurement apparatus, the test procedures, the definition and the presentation of the test results and the content of records, aiming at:
a) measuring the pull-out resistance of a soil nail or a rock bolt,
NOTE 4 A loading test performed using this standard provides the pulled-out resistance along the bonded length, that might differ from the pull-out resistance considered in design.
b) checking that a soil nail or rock bolt behaves as designed.
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