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BS ISO 20022-9 ISO 20022-9 Financial services. Universal financial industry message scheme. Part 9: Syntax generation requirements and rules

IST/12 - Financial services
Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance
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This part of ISO 20022 is prepared to complement the ISO 20022 Metamodel, as specified in ISO 20022-1, with the generic requirements and guidelines to define specific syntax generation rules for other encodings in order to produce schemas based on each specific syntax generation rules in compliance with this part. Such specific syntaxes include XML, ASN.1, JSON and whatever which will emerge in the future.


1) Here, "schema" refers to the "SyntaxMessageScheme" defined in Part 1 technically. However, for ease of reading, this part will hereafter refer to it as "schema" which is a general term for design documents that define data structures.

2) "XML" and "ASN.1" above do not imply ISO 20022 XML schema generation (Part 4) and ISO 20022 ASN.1 generation (Part 8) only. W3C XML Schema, ASN.1 and JSON can be used to express/define a variety type of schemas.Note that this part is NOT a set of specific syntax generation rules, BUT a set of “meta rules” (in other words guidelines) to define a set of specific syntax generation rules.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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