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BS ISO 20679 ISO 20679 Ships and marine technology. Marine environment protection. Testing ship biofouling in-water cleaning systems

SME/32 - Ships and marine technology - Steering committee
Environmental protection. Other | Shipbuilding and marine structures. Other
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This document provides detailed and rigorous procedures for the impartial/independent performance testing for all forms of in-water cleaning (IWC) (i.e. both proactive and reactive systems, and with or without capture, processing, and disposal of debris), of all types of biofouling (i.e. biofilms/microfouling and macrofouling), and on all external submerged surfaces (i.e. hull and niche areas).

This document aims to provide standardized, science-based test procedures that produce the data (and level of confidence) needed by permitting, approval, or regulatory authorities when assessing applications for IWC systems. This document is based on recent, related international efforts to develop IWC system testing protocols (e.g. [50][57][58]) and describe how to produce data and reporting (see ISO 17025) on the efficacy and safety of IWC systems for cleaning of various ship surfaces and for the capture and disposal of cleaning debris, when applicable. The impartial data and reporting from testing under this document should readily inform IWC service providers, ship operators, and jurisdictional agencies on the performance of IWC. The following procedures and methods could also serve as a resource for technology developers, environmental regulators, and other stakeholders interested in the safe and effective use of IWC systems.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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