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Find out what cookies we use and how to disable themThis International Standard specifies the properties and acceptable tolerances for bonded man-made mineral wool thermal insulating board for the overdeck insulation of roofs of buildings. The product is intended for roofs carrying foot traffic by maintenance personnel only. See Annex C and ISO 9774, figure 1, Sketches 7 and 9.The properties to be declared by the manufacturer at the time of delivery are specified, as are some test methods for the determination of these properties. Caution should be exercised in using test results as design values.This International Standard provides limiting values for most of the properties. These limiting values are for specification purposes only. Design values can be derived from these by considering the environmental factors affecting the thermal performance of the product, the influence of the product properties on installation, and the effect of workmanship on the thermal performance. For converting declared R or λ values to design values, see ISO 10456.This International Standard applies to board with or without a membrane for the insulation of the upper surface of roofs under roofing systems protected against water. The properties of a facing membrane are not described. When the board is supplied with a facing membrane, it is not intended to be waterproof.The board is intended to be fixed to the roof surface. When boards are fixed mechanically, some modification of the specified mechanical properties can be necessary.
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