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BS ISO 18954 ISO 18954 Steel structures. Structural bolting. Test method to determine parameters of bolt tightening procedures

CB/203 - Design & execution of steel structures
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This document specifies a procedure to determine tightening procedures for pretensioned bolted connections to be used in structural steelwork.

The methods to establish bolt tightening procedures given in this standard are applicable to pretensioned bolted connections for which no approved tightening parameters exists in national or international standards. Such use cases apply for example if bolting assemblies have to be tightened by turning the head instead of the nut, if any of the conditions, given in a harmonized standard for pretensioning of bolting assemblies, are deviating or when stainless steel bolting assemblies are to be pretensioned. In these cases, tightening parameters as well as tightening procedures can be determined with the use of the Bolt Tightening Qualification Procedure (BTQP) given in this document.

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