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BS ISO 34505 ISO 34505 Road vehicles. Test scenarios for automated driving systems. Scenario evaluation and test case generation

AUE/15 - Safety related to vehicles
Road vehicles. General
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This Document defines a methodology to evaluate scenarios and provides a procedure extending test scenarios to test cases for a given function in a traceable way based on the testability. This Document also defines necessary characteristics of a test case that include but are not limited to unified identifier, test objective, inputs, steps, platform and expected results.

This Document describes methods and criteria to evaluate the test case (e.g., frequency, criticality, complexity of a scenario), the coverage concerning functional and technical requirements, operational domain (OD) and test criteria, and also the optimizing of the set of prioritized test cases.

This Document is applicable to Level 3 and higher ADS as defined in ISO/SAE PAS 22736.[1] The focus of this Document is on safety (Functional safety and Safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF)), in general the content is also applicable to non-safety relevant test scenarios.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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