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BS EN ISO 7889 ISO 7889 Yogurt. Enumeration of characteristic microorganisms. Colony-count technique

AW/5 - Chemical analysis of milk and milk products
Microbiology. Food | Milk products. Other
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This document specifies a method for the enumeration of the characteristic microorganisms Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (in short: L. bulgaricus) and Streptococcus thermophilus (in short: S. thermophilus) by means of the colony-count technique.

The method is applicable to yogurts (for the definition see CXS 243-2003[7]).

The colony-count technique (pour plates) is suitable for, but not limited to, the enumeration of microorganisms in test samples with a minimum of 10 colonies counted on a plate. This corresponds to a level of the characteristic microorganisms L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus that is expected to be higher than 10 cfu/ml for liquid samples or 100 cfu/g for solid samples.

The colony-count technique (spread plates) is suitable for, but not limited to, the enumeration of microorganisms in test samples with a minimum of 10 colonies counted on a plate. This corresponds to a level of the characteristic microorganisms L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus that is expected to be higher than 100 cfu/ml for liquid samples or higher than 1 000 cfu/g for solid samples.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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