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BS ISO 6868 ISO 6868 Workplace air. Quantitative determination of quartz and cristobalite in bulk materials by X-ray powder diffraction methods

EH/2/2 - Work place atmospheres
Workplace atmospheres
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This document specifies three methods for quantitative measurement of crystalline silica (CS) major polymorphs (quartz and cristobalite) weight percentage content in bulk samples using XRPD. General information is provided about their capabilities and limitations of relevance to laboratories working for routine testing.

Only X-ray diffractometers with Bragg-Brentano geometry are considered. The analysed specimen should be in the form of loose powder, where the median grain size is between 1 and 10 μm physical diameter. Block specimens are not considered.

Although a number of methods of analysis are considered in this document, other XRPD methods of analysis could be considered if demonstrated to give equivalent results.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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