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MI/2 - Bio-based products

Sector: Manufacturing

Categories: Chemical technology | Rubber and plastics products. Other | Chemical industry products. General | Services. Company organization, management and quality. Administration. Transport. Sociology. | | Rubber and plastics. Raw materials. General | Production. Production management | Solvents | Chemical analysis | Product life-cycles | Environment. Health protection. Safety

Overview: Under the direction of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee is responsible for the UK input into the work of CEN/TC 411 Bio-based products the implementation of their Standards and the development of British Standards for Bio-based products. This includes the development of standards for: i. bio-based products covering horizontal aspects such as consistent terminology, sampling, certification tools, bio-based content, application of and correlation towards life cycle analysis, sustainability criteria for biomass used and for final products, and aspects where further harmonization is needed on horizontal level; ii. bio-solvents, covering product functionality, biodegradability; and, if necessary, iii. product specific aspects not covered under i.

Committee standards activity

In Progress (1)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

BS EN 18027 EN 18027 Bio-based products. Life cycle assessment. Additional requirements and guidelines for comparing the life cycles of bio-based products with their fossil-based equivalents


Public comment begins : 2023-11-30
Public comment
Published (13)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD CEN/TR 17674:2021 Bio-based products. Use of stable isotope ratios of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen as tools for verification of the origin of bio-based feedstock and characteristics of production processes. Overview of relevant existing applications

Categories: | Chemical analysis

Published standard begins : 2021-08-17
Published standard
PD CEN/TR 17341:2019 Bio-based products. Examples of reporting on sustainability criteria


Published standard begins : 2019-03-05
Published standard
PD CEN/TR 16957:2016 Bio-based products. Guidelines for Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) for the End-of-life phase

Categories: Product life-cycles

Published standard begins : 2016-09-15
Published standard
PD CEN/TR 16721:2014 Bio-based products. Overview of methods to determine the bio-based content


Published standard begins : 2014-09-25
Published standard
BS EN 17351:2020 Bio-based products. Determination of the oxygen content using an elemental analyser


Published standard begins : 2020-02-10
Published standard
BS EN 16935:2017 Bio-based products. Requirements for Business-to-Consumer communication and claims


Published standard begins : 2017-06-12
Published standard
BS EN 16848:2016 Bio-based products. Requirements for Business to Business communication of characteristics using a Data Sheet


Published standard begins : 2016-11-14
Published standard
BS EN 16785-2:2018 Bio-based products. Bio-based content. Determination of the bio-based content using the material balance method

Categories: | Chemical analysis

Published standard begins : 2018-04-23
Published standard
BS EN 16785-1:2015 Bio-based products. Bio-based content. Determination of the bio-based content using the radiocarbon analysis and elemental analysis

Categories: | Chemical analysis

Published standard begins : 2015-12-24
Published standard
BS EN 16766:2017 Bio-based solvents. Requirements and test methods

Categories: | Solvents

Published standard begins : 2017-11-29
Published standard
Withdrawn (3)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD CEN/TS 16766:2015 Bio-based solvents. Requirements and test methods

Categories: Solvents

Withdrawn begins : 2017-11-29
PD CEN/TS 16640:2014 Bio-based products. Determination of the bio based carbon content of products using the radiocarbon method

Categories: | Chemical analysis | Rubber and plastics. Raw materials. General

Withdrawn begins : 2017-03-07
BS EN 16640:2017 Bio-based products. Bio-based carbon content. Determination of the bio-based carbon content using the radiocarbon method

Categories: | Chemical analysis | Rubber and plastics. Raw materials. General

Withdrawn begins : 2018-03-06