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PH/3/9 - Motorcyclists Personal Protective Equipment

Committee standards activity

In Progress (0)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

Published (16)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

DD CEN/TS 15256:2005 Protective clothing. Hand, arm, leg, genital and neck protectors for use in ice hockey. Protectors for players other than goalkeepers. Requirements and test methods

Categories: Protective clothing | Equipment. Winter sports

Published standard begins : 2010-01-22
Published standard
BS EN 17092-6:2020 Protective garments for motorcycle riders. Class C garments. Requirements

Categories: Protective clothing

Published standard begins : 2020-03-19
Published standard
BS EN 17092-5:2020 Protective garments for motorcycle riders. Class B garments. Requirements

Categories: Protective clothing

Published standard begins : 2020-03-19
Published standard
BS EN 17092-4:2020 Protective garments for motorcycle riders. Class A garments. Requirements

Categories: Protective clothing

Published standard begins : 2020-03-19
Published standard
BS EN 17092-3:2020 Protective garments for motorcycle riders. Class AA garments. Requirements

Categories: Protective clothing

Published standard begins : 2020-03-19
Published standard
BS EN 17092-2:2020 Protective garments for motorcycle riders. Class AAA garments. Requirements

Categories: Protective clothing

Published standard begins : 2020-03-19
Published standard
BS EN 17092-1:2020 Protective garments for motorcycle riders. Test methods

Categories: Protective clothing

Published standard begins : 2020-03-19
Published standard
BS EN 1621-4:2013 Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact. Motorcyclists' inflatable protectors. Requirements and test methods

Categories: Protective clothing

Published standard begins : 2013-02-08
Published standard
BS EN 1621-3:2018 Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact. Motorcyclists' chest protectors. Requirements and test methods

Categories: Protective clothing

Published standard begins : 2019-01-11
Published standard
BS EN 1621-2:2014 Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact. Motorcyclists' back protectors. Requirements and test methods

Categories: Protective clothing

Published standard begins : 2014-02-07
Published standard
Withdrawn (15)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

BS EN 1621-2:2003 Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact. Motorcyclists back protectors. Requirements and test methods

Categories: Protective clothing | Motorcycles and mopeds

Withdrawn begins : 2014-02-07
BS EN 14120:2003 Protective clothing. Wrist, palm, knee and elbow protectors for users of roller sports equipment. Requirements and test methods

Categories: Protective clothing

Withdrawn begins : 2008-04-24
BS EN 13595-4:2002 Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders. Jackets, trousers and one piece or divided suits. Test methods for the determination of impact cut resistance

Categories: Protective clothing | Motorcycles and mopeds

Withdrawn begins : 2020-03-20
BS EN 13595-3:2002 Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders. Jackets, trousers and one piece or divided suits. Test method for determination of burst strength

Categories: Protective clothing | Motorcycles and mopeds

Withdrawn begins : 2020-03-20
BS EN 13595-2:2002 Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders. Jackets, trousers and one piece or divided suits. Test method for determination of impact abrasion resistance

Categories: Protective clothing | Motorcycles and mopeds

Withdrawn begins : 2020-03-20
BS EN 13595-1:2002 Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders. Jackets, trousers and one piece or divided suits. General requirements

Categories: Motorcycles and mopeds | Protective clothing

Withdrawn begins : 2020-03-20
BS EN 13594:2002 Protective gloves for professional motorcycle riders. Requirements and test methods

Categories: Protection. Hand and arm | Motorcycles and mopeds

Withdrawn begins : 2015-09-04
BS EN 13567:2002 Protective clothing. Hand, arm, chest, abdomen, leg, genital and face protectors for fencers. Requirements and test methods

Categories: Protective equipment. Other | Equipment. Indoor sports

Withdrawn begins : 2008-05-07
BS EN 13546:2002 Protective clothing. Hand, arm, chest, abdomen, leg, foot and genital protectors for field hockey goalkeepers, and shin protectors for field players. Requirements and test methods

Categories: Protective equipment. General | Equipment. Outdoor and water sports

Withdrawn begins : 2008-04-25
BS EN 13277-4:2001 Protective equipment for martial arts. Additional requirements and test methods for head protectors

Categories: Protective equipment. Head | Equipment. Indoor sports

Withdrawn begins : 2008-04-25