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EL/1/2 - Road lighting

Sector: Manufacturing

Categories: Lighting. Exterior | Lamps. General | Road equipment and installations | Physical planning. Town planning | Street lighting

Overview: Under the direction of EL/1, is responsible for the UK input to CEN/TC 169/WG 12 for standards relating to road lighting requirements. It is also responsible for the national standards in this area.

Committee standards activity

In Progress (10)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD CEN/TR WI 00169088 Road lighting. Part 1: Guidelines on selection of lighting classes

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2024-12-24
CEN/TC 169 N 1836 Road lighting - Part 5: Energy performance indicators

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules | Measurement and Science | Metrology and measurement | Measurement. Light | Construction | Civil engineering | Road engineering | Street lighting

Proposal begins : 2021-05-04
CEN/TC 169 N 1835 Road lighting - Part 4: Methods of measuring lighting performance

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules | Measurement and Science | Metrology and measurement | Measurement. Light | Construction | Civil engineering | Road engineering | Street lighting

Proposal begins : 2021-05-04
CEN/TC 169 N 1834 , Revision of EN 13201-3:2015 Road lighting - Part 3: Calculation of performance

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules | Construction | Civil engineering | Road engineering | Street lighting

Proposal begins : 2021-05-04
CEN/TC 169 N 1833 , Revision of 13201-2:2015 Road lighting - Part 2: Performance requirements

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules | Measurement and Science | Metrology and measurement | Measurement. Light | Construction | Civil engineering | Road engineering | Street lighting

Proposal begins : 2021-05-04
CEN/TC 169 N 1832 , Revision of CEN/TR 13201-1:2014 Road lighting - Part 1: Guidelines on selection of lighting classes

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules | Construction | Civil engineering | Road engineering | Street lighting

Proposal begins : 2021-05-04
BS EN 13201-5 Road lighting. Part 5: Energy performance indicators

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2024-07-19
BS EN 13201-4 Road lighting. Part 4: Methods of measuring lighting performance

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2024-07-19
BS EN 13201-3 Road lighting. Part 3: Calculation of performance

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2024-07-19
BS EN 13201-2 Road lighting. Part 2: Performance requirements

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2024-07-19
Published (13)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD CEN/TR 13201-1:2014 Road lighting. Guidelines on selection of lighting classes

Categories: Street lighting

Published standard begins : 2014-12-11
Published standard
BS EN 16276:2013 Evacuation Lighting in Road Tunnels

Categories: Street lighting

Published standard begins : 2013-01-30
Published standard
BS EN 13201-5:2015 Road lighting. Energy performance indicators

Categories: Street lighting

Published standard begins : 2016-01-08
Published standard
BS EN 13201-4:2015 Road lighting. Methods of measuring lighting performance

Categories: Street lighting

Published standard begins : 2016-01-05
Published standard
BS EN 13201-3:2015 Road lighting. Calculation of performance

Categories: Street lighting

Published standard begins : 2016-01-06
Published standard
BS EN 13201-3:2003 Road lighting. Calculation of performance

Categories: Street lighting

Published standard begins : 2003-12-11
Published standard
BS EN 13201-2:2015 Road lighting. Performance requirements

Categories: Street lighting

Published standard begins : 2016-01-05
Published standard
BS 5489-2:2003 Code of practice for the design of road lighting. Lighting of tunnels

Categories: Street lighting

Published standard begins : 2003-12-11
Published standard
BS 5489-1:2020 Design of road lighting. Lighting of roads and public amenity areas. Code of practice

Categories: Street lighting

Published standard begins : 2020-05-20
Published standard
BS 5489-1:2003 Code of practice for the design of road lighting. Lighting of roads and public amenity areas

Categories: Street lighting

Published standard begins : 2003-12-11
Published standard
Withdrawn (5)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

BS EN 13201-4:2003 Road lighting. Methods of measuring lighting performance

Categories: Street lighting

Withdrawn begins : 2016-01-05
BS EN 13201-2:2003 Road lighting. Performance requirements

Categories: Street lighting

Withdrawn begins : 2016-01-05
BS 5489-2:2003+A1:2008 Code of practice for the design of road lighting. Lighting of tunnels

Categories: Street lighting

Withdrawn begins : 2016-04-25
BS 5489-1:2013 Code of practice for the design of road lighting. Lighting of roads and public amenity areas

Categories: Street lighting

Withdrawn begins : 2020-05-20
BS 5489-1:2003+A2:2008 Code of practice for the design of road lighting. Lighting of roads and public amenity areas

Categories: Street lighting

Withdrawn begins : 2012-12-19