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CPI/113 - Hydrometry

Sector: Sustainability

Categories: Interface and interconnection equipment | Measurement. Fluid flow. General | Fluid flow. Open channels | IT applications. Science | Measurement. Fluid flow | Central heating | Biological and alternative energy sources | IT applications. Other | Fluid flow. Closed conduits | Electrical apparatus. Explosive atmospheres | External water conveyance systems | IT applications. Transport and trade | Water quality | Alarm and warning systems | Doors. Windows | Metrology and measurement. | Measurement. Volume, mass, density, viscosity | Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology | Water supply | Waterway, port and dyke construction | Building elements | Water. Examination. General | External structures | Water. Natural resources | Testing. Electrical and electronic | Electrical equipment. Special conditions

Overview: Under the direction of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee, CPI/113 is responsible for contributing to the development of standards within CEN/TC 318 Hydrometry, ISO/TC 113 Hydrometry, ISO/TC 113/SC 1 Velocity area methods, ISO/TC 113/SC 2 Flow measurement structures, ISO/TC 113/SC 5 Instruments, equipment and data management, ISO/TC 113/SC 6 Sediment transport, ISO/TC 113/SC 8 Ground water and CEN/TC 451 Water wells and borehole heat exchangers.

Committee standards activity

In Progress (17)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD ISO/TR 21044-2 PD ISO/TR 21044-2 Hydrometry - Stream gauging. Part 2: Computation of discharge

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2016-01-17
PD ISO/TR 21044-2 Hydrometry -- Stream gauging. Part 2: Computation of discharge

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Drafting begins : 2011-01-21
PD ISO/TR 21044-1 PD ISO/TR 21044-1 Hydrometry - Stream gauging. Part 1: Fieldwork

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2015-12-19
PD ISO/TR 21044-1 Hydrometry -- Stream gauging. Part 1: Fieldwork

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Drafting begins : 2011-01-21
PD CEN/TR WI 00318070 On-site measurement of new snow height and snow depth

Categories: Unclassified documents

Proposal begins :
ISO/NP 25343 Standard practice for response sensitivity analysis of groundwater monitoring wells using water injection test method

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules

Proposal begins : 2024-07-05
ISO/NP 25285 Hydrometry — Subsurface dykes and ground water dams for conservation and recharge

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules

Proposal begins : 2024-08-22
CEN/TC 318 N 533 - Hydrometry - Sedimentation - Measurements required for effective sediment management and control at river structure

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules | Measurement and Science | Metrology and measurement | Measurement. Fluid flow | Fluid flow. Open channels

Proposal begins : 2022-06-29
BS ISO 24577 Use of non-contact methods for measuring water surface velocity and discharge

Categories: Unclassified documents

Proposal begins :
BS ISO 23607 Hydrometry -- Dilution measurements, tracers and applications

Categories: Unclassified documents

Proposal begins :
Published (71)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD ISO/TR 9824:2007 Hydrometry. Measurement of free surface flow in closed conduits

Categories: Fluid flow. Closed conduits

Published standard begins : 2007-06-13
Published standard
PD ISO/TR 9212:2015 Hydrometry. Methods of measurement of bedload discharge

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Published standard begins : 2015-06-11
Published standard
PD ISO/TR 9210:2017 Hydrometry. Measurement in meandering river and in streams with unstable boundaries

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Published standard begins : 2017-12-19
Published standard
PD ISO/TR 21414:2016 Hydrometry. Groundwater. Surface geophysical surveys for hydrogeological purposes

Categories: Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology

Published standard begins : 2016-04-11
Published standard
PD ISO/TR 13973:2014 Artificial recharge to groundwater

Categories: Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology

Published standard begins : 2014-11-19
Published standard
PD ISO/TR 11330:1997 Determination of volume of water and water level in lakes and reservoirs

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Published standard begins : 2008-08-07
Published standard
PD CEN/TS 18041:2024 Hydrometry. Sedimentation. Measurements required for effective sediment management and control at river structures

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels | Waterway, port and dyke construction

Published standard begins : 2024-05-13
Published standard
PD CEN/TS 17171:2018 Management of observed hydrometric data. Recommendations

Categories: Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology | IT applications. Science

Published standard begins : 2018-08-10
Published standard
PD CEN/TR 17993:2023 Calibration and accuracy of non-catching precipitation measurement instruments

Categories: Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology | Fluid flow. Open channels

Published standard begins : 2023-11-08
Published standard
PD CEN/TR 17909:2023 Hydrometry. On-site measurement of snow depth and depth of snowfall

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Published standard begins : 2023-03-20
Published standard
Withdrawn (31)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD ISO/TR 9212:2006 Hydrometry. Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Methods of measurement of bedload discharge

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Withdrawn begins : 2015-06-11
PD ISO/TR 24578:2012 Hydrometry. Acoustic Doppler profiler. Method and application for measurement of flow in open channels

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Withdrawn begins : 2021-03-16
PD ISO/TR 19234:2016 Hydrometry. Low cost baffle solution to aid fish passage at triangular profile weirs that conform to ISO 4360

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Withdrawn begins : 2017-01-03
DD ISO/TS 3716:2006 Hydrometry. Functional requirements and characteristics of suspended-sediment samplers

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Withdrawn begins : 2021-10-29
BS ISO/TS 15769:2000 Hydrometric determination. Liquid flow in open channels and partly filled pipes. Guidelines for the application of Doppler-based flow measurements

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Withdrawn begins : 2010-05-06
BS ISO 9825:2005 Hydrometry. Field measurement of discharge in large rivers and rivers in flood

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Withdrawn begins : 2007-10-30
BS ISO 9123:2001 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels. Stage-fall-discharge relationships

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Withdrawn begins : 2017-11-07
BS ISO 8368:1999 Hydrometric determinations. Flow measurements in open channels using structures. Guidelines for the selection of structure

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Withdrawn begins : 2019-11-20
BS ISO 4377:2002 Hydrometric determinations. Flow measurement in open channels using structures. Flat-V weirs

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Withdrawn begins : 2012-08-15
BS ISO 4360:2008 Hydrometry. Open channel flow measurement using triangular profile weirs

Categories: Fluid flow. Open channels

Withdrawn begins : 2020-07-03