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ISO/IEC NP 25689 Information technology — Use case classification for VR/AR/MR based learning, education and training

IST/31 - Immersive Technologies
Information management | Standardization. General rules
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This document describes the classification of use cases for developing learning, education, and training systems using VR/AR/MR technology. It classifies VR/AR/MR based systems and defines each system type for applications. It includes definitions, data modeling, interfaces, and examples. It also provides a systematic approach to developing VR/AR/MR based systems for learning, education, and training.

This document will:

• define terms and concepts about use case classification for VR/AR/MR based learning, education and training systems

• define use case classification based on VR/AR/MR objects used for use cases development

• define use case types based on the classification that is determined by levels of implementation complexities

• define a reference data model for generating VR/AR/MR based applications

• define a systematic approach to developing VR/AR/MR based education and training use cases based on the classification 


The objectives of this work are as follows

• Provide a reference model for classifying and developing application services for VR/AR/MR based learning, education and training

• Provide a guidance of software development for VR/AR/MR based learning, education, and training systems

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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