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ISO/NP 25367 Determination of Relative Molar Sensitivity for quantification of organic compounds in foods based on 1H qNMR — General requirements


This document specifies general requirements and performance criteria for determining the relative molar sensitivity based on 1H qNMR. This document applies to determining the relative molar sensitivity of analytes including bioactive compounds in functional foods, nutrients, food additives, toxins, and pesticides to different readily available authentic reference compounds. 


The demand for quantitative analysis of a diverse range of substances in food and food products has
been increasing. To ensure the reliability of quantification results obtained through commonly used
chromatography, it is essential to conduct comparative measurements with a reference material for the
analyte, characterized by known purity or concentration. However, the availability of such reference
materials in the market is limited, posing a significant challenge for establish quantification standards
for many substances.
ISO TC 34/WG 24 addressed this challenge by developing ISO 24583 (Quantitative nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy —Purity determination of organic compounds used for foods and food
products — General requirements for 1H NMR internal standard method) as a method to determine the
purity of stable organic substances. This approach, based on quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (qNMR), enables the determination of the purity of reference materials for substances in
food and food products, enhancing the reliability of food analysis. The distribution of reference
materials with purity evaluated using qNMR is expected to contribute to the improved reliability of
quantitative analyses in various food and food products. Nevertheless, due to the increasing demand
for the number of substances to be analysed in food and food products, the supply of reference
materials for all of them remains challenging.
qNMR allow for the direct determination of the amount of substance ratio (mol/mol) between two
different substances, while chromatography can measure the response ratio between these
substances. By combining the characteristics of these two analysis methods based on different
principles, it becomes possible to determine the relative molar sensitivity of an analyte to a reference
material different from the analyte. As the relative molar sensitivity remains constant under the same
analytical conditions, reliable quantification of the analyte can be achieved using the relative molar
sensitivity between the two substances of the analyte and the reference material, along with the known
amount of the reference material. The use of relative molar sensitivity significantly broadens the range
of substances that can be quantified without requiring the same reference material as the analyte. This
makes the quantification of substances in food and food products more convenient, cost-effective and,
most importantly, reliable.
This new proposal aims to outline the requirements for determining reliable relative molar sensitivity by
utilizing both qNMR and chromatography.


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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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