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ISO/NP 14077 Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Requirements and guidelines for application of Chain of Custody (CoC) approaches in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

SES/1/5 - Environmental Management - Life cycle tools and techniques
Information management | Standardization. General rules
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This international standard provides guidance and requirements regarding the methods for
incorporating various Chain of Custody (CoC) models identified in ISO 22095, Chain of custody —
General terminology and models into life cycle assessment (LCA) approaches identified in the ISO
14040 and 14044 standards. It also provides a protocol for LCA experts and includes terms, definitions,
calculations, and methodologies that are necessary for properly implementing CoC into LCA. This
standard is a complement to ISO 22095 and any additional guidance emerging from the series on CoC.


Manufacturers are making claims about the environmental aspects of producing their products. Through this process, it is important to ensure transparency to establish trust with consumers. More and more claims are made about the environmental aspects of products, ranging from the renewable content, the reused content to the recycled content of a product and more. For some industries it is more prudent and economical to adopt and manage specific types of claims through a credible chain of custody (COC) model. LCA standards such as the ISO 14000 series, Product Environmental Footprint, GHG Protocol Product Standard and Product Category Rules, are currently silent about the topic of COC. LCA modeling of systems using some types of chain of custody methods, specifically mass balance and controlled blending chain of custody methods are causing some confusion and varying interpretations. All five chain of custody methods are widely used across multiple industries. Without clear guidance of how these chain of custody approaches are to be incorporated into life cycle assessments, the community of LCA experts will be left providing mixed guidance on the matter. A splintering of approaches towards chain of custody approaches is leading to confusion in the market and thus it is important to establish clear protocols for how to model it in LCA. The goal of the standard is to interpret the chain of custody standard written by ISO and to understand how it will be interpreted by the LCA community consistently. There will not be any rewrites of chain of custody rules; there will be guidance on interpretation so that consistent approaches can be tackled by the LCA experts.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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