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BS 5837 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Code of Practice


This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance on the relationship between trees and design, demolition and construction processes. It sets out the principles and procedures to be applied to achieve a sustainable relationship between trees and structures.

The standard is applicable for all instances where trees are in proximity to structures for design, demolition or construction whether or not planning permission is required.


The revision will take account of changes and developments in arboricultural, planning and construction practices since it was last published in 2012.

Areas which the revision will consider include root protection areas, how root protection areas can be assessed in more detail and how root protection areas should be calculated for veteran trees and ancient woodland. Guidance for arboricultural impact assessments will also be revised to take account of different methods of measuring impacts with consideration given to biodiversity net gain given the importance of trees for environmental protection such as providing shade, cooling and reducing flood risk.

The revision will also provide clearer guidance to ensure that future growth of trees is assessed and taken into account eg near buildings.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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